Thursday, May 29, 2008 Reviewed
The articles deal mostly with poker strategy, including No Limit poker games, hand selection in Limit games and how to snuff out a Texas Hold’em bluff through various poker tells. Poker tournament play is also covered. I found the article on “Switching Gears in NL Hold’em” to be especially interesting, giving players a new strategy that can through even the most seasoned poker player for a loop.
A daily influx of online poker news will keep enthusiasts up to date on the latest industry headlines, while an extensive list of ‘Pro Sites’ offers up the web sites of today’s most beloved professional poker players, including Phil Ivey, Howard Lederer, Phil Gordon, Chris Moneymaker, Clonie Gowen and many more.
Other handy resources at AbsolutePlayersClub include Poker Tools and Videos. An automated Poker Odds Calculator is available on site (under Poker Tools). Browse the videos for some of the most intense action among professional poker players, including Hellmuth/Negreanu and other high stakes showdowns.
Last but not least, once a player has perused the site long enough to gain the knowledge and confidence to take to the tables, visitors of AbsolutePlayersClub will find full scale online poker room reviews. Each review presents an overall rating system of 1-10, based on the rating of each category (software, traffic, variety, competition, tournaments and bonus), as well as general facts about the online poker room.
It appears an "APC Forum" is in the works, which would become yet another valuable asset to visitors of the site. Overall, I think has a good thing going for online poker players. As the site continues to grow, it will only become more inclusive. Keep up the good work!
This has been a sponsored review of
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
BackgammonMasters Survey Reveals Players Prefer Cash To Second Life ‘Linden’
It turns out that only 20 of the 500 players who participated in the survey had even heard of the ‘Linden’ currency used by Second Life. Of those 20 who were familiar with the online casino virtual currency, only 2 of them showed interest in actually using the ‘Linden’ to place wagers at BackgammonMasters.
The purpose of the survey was to resolve a possible currency option, where BackgammonMasters would allow its players to place wagers in virtual cash, which could then be converted to a multitude of real cash currencies that include US Dollars, Euro, British Pounds, Canadian Dollars, Australian Dollars, Czech Koruna, Danish Kroner, Hong Kong Dollar, Hungarian Forint, Japanese Yen, New Zealand Dollar, Norwegian Krone, Polish Zloty, Singapore Dollar, Swedish Krona, Swiss Franc, and the South African Rand – all currencies currently accepted at BackgammonMasters.
According to the survey, international players at the online casino greatly preferred using real currency over the virtual variety, most asserting that it is more exhilarating to play for real money than with ‘Lindens’.
Many players were once left no option but to wait for deposits and cashouts to be converted to the appropriate currency – a costly measure at best - but the sophisticated programming of BackgammonMasters’ online cashier is presently able to convert all accepted currencies, automatically and commission-free. Exchange rates and associated bank fees are a thing of the past. BackgammonMasters instantly converts multi-currency deposits to USD for use in its Backgammon, Blackjack, Poker and Perudo gaming venues.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Why Losing Makes You A Winner
Why Losing Makes You A Winner
By Miss Beth
Many people think that if they suck at poker, they must turn down invitations to Texas hold-um parties. Yet this in fact an incorrect assumption. Losing doesn’t mean you don’t win overall. Even losers can have winners. House parties generally have a $5-$15 buy-in. This doesn’t mean that if you loose the game you leave in the red. All this shows is that you must consume or drink enough to make a profit. If you go to a house that has a $5 buy in, gulp down at least 4 drinks. Don’t believe me? Do the math. Say a six-pack costs $8. 8/6=1and 1/3, or about $1.33. 4x1.33=5.32. Therefore, you have made a $0.32 profit in consumer goods. To further capitalize on being the loser, wait until the game is done then suggest ordering a pizza. Once this idea is popularized, look at the other players and propose that the big winner pay for it since he/she has “taken all of our money.” I guarantee the other losers will enthusiastically back up this idea. The free pizza further adds to your profit for the night while decreasing the big winner’s profit and so it becomes a less desirable position. (I say that to alleviate your jealousy you cheeky monkeys)

Let’s start off with common sense. No one likes the person who takes him/her out in a poker game. Now boys, maybe you could look past your pride if the girl was pretty enough, but, being a girl, I know I would NEVER EVER get over it. That’s right, my contempt for the person who made me lose the last of my money would persevere past the drinks designed to loosen me up. If fact, the more alcohol I consumed would make me more likely to seek out my opponent and insult their looks/clothes/whatever in front of other girls. Once a girl has openly rejected you, you loose desirability to every female spectator. You would have virtually no chance of getting down my skirt or up the shirt of any other girl at the party. So if you are up against someone you think is cute, and you know you have the winning hand, fold. You will probably lose your money anyway in the end, and who wouldn’t pay $5-$15 for some play? I mean, hookers cost, what? At least $25. A side note to boys: Keep in consideration that your standards for “cute” girls change once you consume some drinks; the ugly ones may suddenly transform into desirable females so be nice to them.
Now that you have a potential hook-up in mind, there are two ways you can approach the situation, depending on who was taken out first. If you were the first to lose, tell your hottie that they played a good game but got a bad beat despite of what actually occurred. When they reply, “No, I’m not that good,” simply respond, “Hey, you’re better than me. I lost way before you did.” Then ask them for some of their tricks. Even the worst players have a strategy and it may be the stupidest, most insane thing you’ve ever heard, but pretend that it is the most intelligent piece of advice you can imagine. Following this easy dialogue will get you some goodnight kisses…on various parts of your body.
If the person lost before you, the opening statements are different depending on your gender. Boys: Tell the girl that she played very well but there was nothing she could do. They played the hand correctly but the other player got lucky. This will probably lead into a conversation about her strategies for winning, which you can proclaim are the best you’ve ever heard. Yada, yada, yada, you know the rest. Girls: Tell the boy that even the best poker players lose sometimes, including the world poker tournament players. This will lead into an elaborate discussion of why they lost and you can agree that they are in fact the best poker player you have ever seen. Although both conversations involve admitting your crush lost unfairly, the difference is this: Girls are in touch with reality enough to know that they are only amateur players; guys are so delusional that they are convinced they are the best poker player in the world, nay, the universe! In either case, by following these simple steps, although you lost at poker, you will be the winner in the bedroom.
This Article was written by College Poker Tips. Visit College Poker Tips to get their great advice on No Limit Hold em and Omaha Hi Lo
College Poker Tips is also hosting a Party Poker Fish List, made up of over 30,000 hands and 5,000 players. Use the free statistics to find out who the fish, maniacs and rocks are, and how to play against them.